Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Speed Cameras Replaced in Chevy Chase

Chevy Chase has replaced its existing speed cameras with expensive, latest generation, "Laser" cameras. This will allow them to catch more then one driver at a time if speeding in Chevy Chase village.

The funds raised by these fines are supposed to be used to increase public safety in Chevy Chase village. Fox 5 DC news reports that the funds are actually being used to fund capital improvement projects and buy new lockers in the police department locker room.

Real Estate Broker Gerry Dunn, who often lists and sells units in Crescent Plaza, has been called a speed camera "watchdog" in the DC area. He is interviewed for this news report. You may recognize him as the agent that often holds open units for sale in the building.

The best advice this post can offer is to drive the speed limit in Chevy Chase. Big Brother is alive and well and looking to ticket you if you choose to speed!

How do you feel about Speed Cameras? Are they a necessary part of public safety, or an invasion of privacy? Please comment!

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